Advanced Captcha Protection System

Captcha Protection blocks unwanted load on your server and drastically reduces resource consumption.
Official Documentation Link:

Activate system through the Checkbox next to the section title and Save Changes.

  1. Math Operations: Choose math operations for captcha system.
  2. Display Method:Choose how math problems are displayed, Numbers, Words or Combined.
  3. Display Message: This input allows you to set a preferred title text string for the captcha section.
  4. Expiration Time (seconds): This input allows you to set the captcha expiration term. Once expired, the user will have to reload and solve a new math problem.
  5. Display Settings: Choose the access forms for which you want the captcha system to show up.
  6. Error Messages: Use the inputs to setup custom messages for different instances.

The most important part of captcha setup is where to display it, either in WordPress default forms or WooCommerce forms, like login, registration, reset password, comments or checkout. Always make sure you stay well protected for a safer state of mind.

Reset Section Settings using the checkbox and Save Changes button in order to remove database entries.

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