In this section you can enable useful options for posts, categories and tags.Official Documentation Link:
Activate System through the Checkbox next to section title and Save Changes.
- Archive Header Content: Add custom header content to categories and tags.
- Archive Footer Content: Add custom footer content to categories and tags.
- Posts Ordering: Change default WordPress ordering.
- Limit Access by Role: Permit access based on User Role.
- Limit Access by User Category: Permit access based on User Category.
- Post Archive Image: Enable the ability to set and display a custom image inside Archive Directory.
- QR Code Link: Generate for each page a QR code for sharing purposes.
- Limited Content Page: When certain access restrictions are applied to a page, this option allows you to redirect users to a custom page, in order to display visitors a dedicated message.
All above options can be managed individually while editing a post, through a dedicated box. New options will be made available for setup at category or tag level as well.
Reset Section Settings using the checkbox and Save Changes button in order to remove database entries.