Account Verification System

It is imperative to enable and use verification methods in order to block accounts with false information.
Official Documentation Link:

Activate system through the Checkbox next to the section title and Save Changes.

  1. Skip Verification for: Allow certain user roles to skip account verification.
  2. Support Type: Define support to internal site page or external link.
  3. Support Page Link: Select or input address for support page.
  4. Verification Requests Limit: Define how many times verification requests can be solicited.
  5. First Verification Time Gap (m): Define time interval for first verification request.
  6. Verification Time Gap (m): Define interval between verification requests after first was sent.
  7. Email Verification Method: Choose how to validate accounts, via code or link inside email.
  8. Activation Link Email Subject: Customize activation email subject.
  9. Activation Link Message: Customize activation email message.
  10. Enable Activation Timeframe: Activate account verification timeframe.
  11. Activation Timeframe (hours): Set up activation deadline.
  12. Remove User if not Verified: Delete unverified account.
  13. Display Verified Tag inside Dashboard: Display verified tag inside account dashboard/area.

Reset Section Settings using the checkbox and Save Changes button in order to remove database entries.

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